Movers Directory Packing Tip Guide
What Things You Should Not Pack?
Not everything in your home should be packed up in boxes to move to your new one. There are some things movers wont transport or move for you because rules and regulations forbid it. There are some things you should not try moving yourself, and some things you should not take with you at all for safety reasons. This section will help guide you. Contact your mover with any specific questions before you begin packing.
What Items you should not Move Do not pack Everything
Do Not pack Hazardous Materials
Dispose of hazardous materials, do not pack them up in boxes for movers to take to your new home. It is dangerous and illegal for movers to transport them. Give them away to neighbors or call your local waste management center, recycling company or The Environmental Protection Agency about how to safely dispose of them.
Perishable Items

Plants, food and animals are perishable items, they easily spoil, die or suffer damages if not specially cared for along the way. Many movers refuse to accept any kind of perishable items, but may make an exception if the move is less than 150 miles and within a 24 hour drive away.
For more information about safely moving with pets or houseplants, read our Moving Tips Guides: Moving with Pets, and Moving with Houseplants.
Moving Food and Plants across State Lines

Movers may agree to transport perishables, like your food and plants, if they are properly packed to make a trip less than 150 miles, and are within 24 hours away. There may be restrictions, however, about moving perishable food or plants across a state line. A few agricultural states have strict rules about bringing plants and fruit into their state. Call your local U.S. Department of Agriculture to check on regulations before driving across state lines with perishable items.
Next Packing Tip:
>>Moving Your irreplaceable sentimental Items and Valuables